Transformed By God's Radical Love to Build:
a Welcoming Church, a Just Community, & a Sustainable World

Open &

We are an OPEN AND AFFIRMING congregation, which means we welcome into full participation & leadership all people who seek an authentic relationship with God and this congregation regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, past experiences, or current situation.
We are confident you were wonderfully made, however you present and no matter whom you love.
To learn more about Disciples work on LGBTQIA+ issues & care, visit: DisciplesAllianceQ.org
We are a GREEN CHALICE congregation, which means we believe God has called us to be good stewards of Creation, and so we accept our responsibility to do our very best to be good stewards of the Earth and raise awareness about environmental issues and the human impact we can make to reverse ecological harms.
To learn more, visit: discipleshomemissions.org/missions-advocacy/green-chalice/

On the EVENTS page, you will find the most relevant information about upcoming fellowship and service gatherings. We hope you will find ways to connect with this community that are meaningful and full of blessings.
Any questions can be sent to: communications@downeyavenue.com

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